Consultations with stakeholders in Sweden
28 November 2023
Through the questionnaire the first picture of what happened during the pandemic was obtained, but the result was tied to each respondent. Through the workshop arranged in April, Museum of Västervik started to get a broader picture and the participants compared their experiences and discussed solutions from other countries.
Therefore, during the summer museum of Västervik conducted interviews, both with the participants from the workshop but also with other organisations. That made it possible to go deeper into analysing which solutions used during the pandemic that worked/did not work, what could have been done differently and how they plan to increase their resilience in the future.
The aim of the interviews were to provide more and deeper information and analyses about the best practices. The information will be a part of the project toolbox.
Organisations that have been involved in interviews, discussions, reading reports and from whom information has been received include:
- Ölands Hembygdsförbund
- Psykiatriska Museet
- Livrustkammaren
- Östergötlands museum
- Sjöfararkusten
- BĂĄt- & Maskinmuseum
- Kulturparken SmĂĄland
- Ă–lands Museum Himmelsberga
- Sveriges Museer
- Sveriges Hembygdsförbund
- Riksantikvarieämbetet
- KulturrĂĄdet
- Tillväxtverket
- Riksarkivet
- Länsarkivet Kalmar län