Baltic Museum Resilience: Resilient museums and memory institutions for resilient societies in the Baltic Sea Region

Online partners meeting

27 November 2023
An online partners meeting was held on 18 January to discuss the status of implementation of the project activities.
Technical details


The partners began by discussing upcoming activities related to Analysis of the solutions implemented in the cultural and heritage institutions during the crises. They agreed that, as a first step, the list of stakeholders should be updated and a questionnaire on museums’ experiences and solutions implemented during the crises should be sent to them.

Then, a draft version of the questionnaire was discussed. Partners exchanged their comments and suggestions for changes to be made to the questionnaire. It was agreed that the questionnaire should be as concise and user-friendly as possible, so that it would not be difficult to complete. A deadline was also jointly agreed for the final version of the questionnaire and for all partners to translate it into their national languages. It was agreed that the questionnaire would be distributed over a period of three weeks, and upon completion, each partner would prepare a report with conclusions based on the responses received.

The next point of the meeting concerned activities related to:

  • Joint approach for resilient cultural and memory institutions: governance and sustainability
  • Joint actions for resilient cultural and memory institutions and societies
  • Model for resilient cultural and memory institutions and societies

It was agreed that, as the project progressed, the partners responsible for each group of activities would communicate to the others the methodologies for carrying out the activities and set deadlines.

The meeting also addressed the communication of the project. The partners agreed that information about organised events and project activities should be published regularly on the project website and the partners’ social media.

Finally, a date was set for the next meeting, which was set for 5 April 2023.