in numbers.
in numbers.
- 55.686724312.5700724
- 56.1300959.024443
- 56.16163210.134176
- 56.947967524.1052997
- 56.949397724.1051846
- 54.493301518.5392323
- 54.348290718.6540233
- 60.45113222.2629062
- 60.451753122.2670522
- 60.370779222.2907448
- 59.424510124.748676605042693
- 54.358308610.136183656753964
- 54.322708510.135555
- 54.358308610.136183656753964
Project partners
- TownCopenhagen
- Region
- CountryDenmark
- RegionByen København
- RepresentativeDanish Cultural Institute
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- TownHerning
- Region
- CountryDenmark
- RegionVestjylland
- RepresentativeLifestyle & Design Cluster
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- TownAarhus
- Region
- CountryDenmark
- RegionØstjylland
- RepresentativeCity of Aarhus - Climate Secretariat
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- TownRiga
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- CountryLatvia
- RegionRīga
- RepresentativeRiga Municipal Agency “Riga Energy Agency”
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- TownRiga
- Region
- CountryLatvia
- RegionRīga
- RepresentativeNorthern Dimension Partnership on Culture Secretariat
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- TownGdynia
- Region
- CountryPoland
- RegionTrójmiejski
- RepresentativePomeranian Science and Technology Park Gdynia | Design Centre - budgetary unit of Municipality of Gdynia
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
- TownGdańsk
- Region
- CountryPoland
- RegionTrójmiejski
- RepresentativeAssociation "Pomorskie in the European Union"
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- TownTurku
- Region
- CountryFinland
- RegionVarsinais-Suomi
- RepresentativeCity of Turku
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- TownTurku
- Region
- CountryFinland
- RegionVarsinais-Suomi
- RepresentativeValonia / Regional Council of Southwest Finland
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- TownTurku
- Region
- CountryFinland
- RegionVarsinais-Suomi
- RepresentativeHumak University Of Applied Sciences
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- TownTallinn
- Region
- CountryEstonia
- RegionPõhja-Eesti
- RepresentativeTallinn Business Incubators Foundation
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- TownKiel
- Region
- CountryGermany
- RegionKiel, Kreisfreie Stadt
- RepresentativeAnschar GmbH
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- TownKiel
- Region
- CountryGermany
- RegionKiel, Kreisfreie Stadt
- RepresentativeZero Waste Kiel e.V.
- Phone
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- Web
- TownKiel
- Region
- CountryGermany
- RegionKiel, Kreisfreie Stadt
- RepresentativeHeinrich Böll Foundation Schleswig-Holstein e.V.
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
Project managerCharles BourrierDanish Cultural Institute
Communication managerAndra JakovicaDanish Cultural Institute
Financial managerDiana JansoneDanish Cultural Institute
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