BSG-Go! Scaling-up Baltic Sea Game support for a resilient game industry

Resilient Investor Engagement

25 July 2023
Both young talents or small game companies and investor have strongly relied on conferences, either for attracting and meeting investors or for gauging the investment potential of a team. The pandemic proved this reliance on physical events to be vulnerable. We need new strategies for both the talent pool and the investors to encourage investment into the new and creative potential of the game industry.
Technical details


With this pilot planned for 2024, we will create a testbed to provide a comprehensive environment in which stand-alone solutions (tools) or a compilation of components (models) will be deployed for evaluation by end user representatives. The need for this testbed derives from the experience that young companies have been relying strongly on physical conferences for attracting investors, be it through pitching events or through the intervention of accelerators, mentors etc., or plainly by booking a booth at a fair. Attracting an investor has never been easy for young talents, but with the pandemic jeopardising their usual approach, it is time to remedy this vulnerability by a more resilient approach. But the lack of physical conferences has also proved to be a challenge for investors, too, who need to meet with teams to gauge their mindset, their vision, their team dynamic, as also for an investor it is more than just the product they invest into, and they need to rely on their instincts for which they need to meet in person. What would help, would be trusted intermediaries (ambassadors, curators) to be able to focus on a pre-selection of interesting young talents. Today, data-driven technologies have become a useful tool for decision-making to pre-assess success. Why not test this for the games industry to underpin curators’ choices?

This testbed will pilot several solutions that work on their own or in tandem for a more holistic approach:

– Optimising the impact of reaching-out to investors and publishers by intermediaries (mentors, accelerators, incubators) through the “AMBASSADOR MODEL” which a board of experts screening interesting game companies for investors, according to their specific interests.

– Curating start-up or scale-up game projects for investors and publishers through the “Hot list”, to be published on a regular basis.

– Analytical tools to underpin to success prospects of a game and the company as a decision-making support for investors and publishers.