Exploring full cycle circular economy for glass fiber industry

Hackathon GlassCircle passed with success

22 June 2023
The GlassCircle hackathon successfully engaged students in developing innovative solutions for repurposing industrial glass fiber waste, highlighting the importance of a circular economy. The event, held simultaneously at three universities, resulted in creative projects and valuable industry partnerships.
Technical details

The aim of the GlassCircle hackathon event was to gain attention of students (young specialists) and tell the growing need to apply a circular economy approach in the production of advanced goods. Particularly, to avoid direct arrival to the landfill as an industrial waste of residue glass fiber material created by composite material or glass fiber production industry. Instead, use this material for some new applications. By the definition of a hackathon – there were a lot of materials, tools, prototyping equipment, laboratory space available and limited time (24 hours) given to the students to work on their ideas. The hackathon was organized as a hybrid event simultaneously happening at three places – Riga Technical University, Aarhus University and Luleå University of Technology. Communication between all participants was organized by means of the Zoom application. Teams formed international and interdisciplinary. Teams were supported and guided by mentors at 3 checkpoints. Mentors were Professor Roberts Joffe (Head of Subject Luleå University of Technology), Martins Rubenis (Luge coach and engineer, Olympic medalist), assoc.prof., dr.sc.ing. Liva Pupure (Riga Technical University), Martins Millers (Research and development engineer, Valmiera Glass) and assoc.prof., PhD Michail J. Beliatis (Aarhus university). The jury evaluated team performance. The hackathon jury represented the following organizations – Martins Millers (Research and development engineer, Valmiera Glass), Uldis Rekners (Head of Product Development department, Valmiera Glass), Birgitha Nyström (Sustainability Coordinator, Podcomp AB), Anders Holmberg (Manager Research and Development, Hitachi Energy),  Vita Reinvalde, (Valmiera Municipality Government) and Tennae Rix Kristensen (municipality agency Sustainable Herning, Denmark). In total 5 international teams worked and presented their ideas. Team 2 from Sweden working on the idea “Interior design or furniture elements with specific requirements” was evaluated as the best-presented idea at the hackathon. Team 4 from Denmark working on the idea “Housing for different IoT and Remote control toys” were evaluated as the second best and as the third best was evaluated Team 3 from Latvia working on the idea “Glass fiber textile as formwork for concrete”. All three teams received prizes prepared by the GlassCircle project.  Valmiera Glass one of the largest glass fiber producing companies in the Baltic Sea region supported the event by giving their own sympathy prizes to teams. Team 2 from Sweden got Winners Award from Valmiera Glass 500,- EUR and Team 4 from Denmark got the Growth Award 250,- EUR to continue developing the idea. Team 1, who worked on topic “Transforming wind turbine blades into practical objects” got the sympathy prize from the GlassCircle project for the very scientific approach in solving the problem.

Pictures of the hackathon event can be viewed at the gallery section.

Presentations given by the teams at the final pitch can be viewed here.