Baltic Sea Region Smart Specialisation Ecosystem
BSR S3 Ecosystem
PROGRAMME 2014-2020
1 Innovation
1.2 Smart specialisation

BSR S3 Ecosystem

Multiple smart specialisation strategies synthesised from Interreg projects enabled public administrations and development agencies to strengthen innovation ecosystems and develop pathways for green transition.

The challenge

Smart specialisation helps regions to use their strengths to boost growth and prosperity. Yet, many regions lack methods or institutional frameworks to implement it successfully. The BSR S3 Ecosystem platform aligned smart specialisation initiatives to better steer investments across the Baltic Sea region. By sharing best practices, it activated research and academic communities, industry and public entities to strengthen the regional innovation ecosystem.

Projects represented in the platform:


BSR S3 Ecosystem
in numbers
  • 1.27
  • 0.76
  • 0.18
    Eni + Russia
  • 0.03


Synthesising knowledge on smart specialisation strategies

The BSR S3 Ecosystem project platform synthesised the knowledge from ten Interreg Baltic Sea Region and Interreg Europe projects that helped implement smart specialisation strategies (S3). The partners brought together different approaches to S3 implementation, and shared what benefits and challenges they had. Over 200 S3 stakeholders from regional ministries and development agencies from ten Baltic Sea region countries learned how to strengthen innovation ecosystems for successful implementation of S3 on the regional and inter-regional levels. They discussed how to promote stronger diversity and inclusion in S3, connect different actors to increase the collaborative dynamic, develop green transition pathways for different sectors across the BSR, with circular economy at the core. In addition, they learned about the political leadership as a key enabler of change. Political motivation and commitment are the first steps to boost efforts towards interregional innovation investments.

More cooperation on smart specialisation across regions

The platform also supported regions in developing thematic value chains linked to smart specialisation priorities. The partners developed a methodology for the analysis of value chains and piloted it in the area of the circular bioeconomy. They selected this area as it was highly relevant for S3. All in all, 16 regions from seven countries shared their insights on strategic priorities, key players and regional expertise, know-how in key technologies and potential areas of synergies in the circular bioeconomy. The partners concluded that there was good potential for exploring opportunities for innovative data linking and new approaches in data mining through this methodology.

The BSR S3 Directors' Network, composed of senior regional directors responsible for S3, highly appreciated the platform results, and the value chain approach to inter-regional S3 collaboration across the region. The ambition of the platform to create a new value by deepening innovation collaboration, through the BSR S3 ecosystem in fact reflected the vision of the BSR S3 Directors’ Network. For the Baltic Sea region, where a very strong legacy of cooperation already existed, there was very strong potential to build on this methodology to generate long-term value for the innovation performance of the macro-region.

Contributions to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

The coordinator of the EUSBSR policy area Innovation actively participated in the platform and supported sharing the gathered results. The new PA Innovation action plan underlined a challenge-driven approach to innovation and further development of interregional value chains in key BSR S3 fields. Together with BSR S3 Directors’ Network, the coordinator of PA Innovation planned to advance the S3 advisory hub in the Baltic Sea region, which was developed by the platform partners.


Good practice report: Learning towards Macro-regional Specialisation

The report describes the approach to S3 from the regions in Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden and from Lithuania. It includes their good practices and interregional activities tested in S3 Interreg projects. The report helps other regions and policy advisors to understand the status of S3 in the Baltic Sea region and provides an overview of the potential and needed elements to enable the deepening of macro-regional smart specialisation.

Adopting a value chain approach to inter-regional S3 collaboration across the Baltic Sea region

This manual offers practical advice and guidance to regions and their innovation actors in designing and implementing approaches and actions to deepen S3 collaboration with other regions. It helps regions to identify ‘common ground’ and shared, industrially-focused cooperation opportunities across the Baltic Sea region. It advises on mapping regional assets and capability in step 1, mapping policy support and public-private investment in the value chain domain in step 2, matchmaking and development of ideas for joint investments in step 3, and, finally, designing joint investment projects in step 4. The ambition is to help create new value by deepening innovation collaboration among the regions in the Baltic Sea region.

Guidance manual: High level value chain mapping in the Baltic Sea Region

This guidance manual outlines the methodology for high-level inter-regional value chain mapping. It supports regional and national authorities responsible for the implementation of smart specialisation strategies. It is an analytical and visual tool that helps understand how a particular innovation ecosystem is organised spatially, as well as size wise and direction wise.

Study: High level value chain mapping in the Baltic Sea Region

The study demonstrates to regional and national authorities responsible for S3 how to set up mapping and analysis of value chains on the example of the area of the circular bioeconomy. It helps benchmark, map and match stakeholders within S3 thematic partnerships. The aim of the exercise was to test how to rapidly map out, using existing data (quantitative or qualitative) and mobilising the knowledge of key players in the regions in the specific value chain, potential areas of synergies in the Baltic Sea region in selected strategic value chains.

Policy guidelines for implementing the BSR S3 Ecosystem in the Baltic Sea region

The policy guidelines present recommendations for regional authorities and innovation actors how to implement regional innovation and smart specialisation ecosystem in the Baltic Sea region. They include the following: adopting an S3 ecosystem to deliver the Green Deal’s twin transitions, continuous regional support and long-term commitment, implementing projects and platforms through EU funding programmes, bringing together BSR quadruple helix innovation actors.

Project Stories

  • 09.07.2021

    Enterprises go smart beyond borders with Interreg

    Small and medium sized enterprises largely fall behind other players in innovation and investments in research & development (R&D). Thanks to the Interreg project GoSmart BSR, enterprises in seven countries around the Baltic Sea learned how to use smart specialisation to improve competitiveness jointly and gain access to new markets.
    Read full story
  • 30.09.2020

    Great project pictures that tell great Interreg stories!

    More than seventy pictures competed in the Interreg Baltic Sea Region photo competition. Which projects were the best in illustrating transnational cooperation, grasping the essence of a project and its result, and presenting the 30th anniversary of Interreg? Congratulations to the teams of BalticRIM, RESQU2, Baltic Game Industry, EcoDesign Circle and GoSmart BSR!
    Read full story
  • 27.09.2021

    Bio- and circular economy initiatives funded by the Baltic Sea Region Programme inspire

    Transnational projects on bio- and circular economy funded by the current and earlier Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programmes are highlighted in the recent article published by the Baltic institute of Finland. They are taken as inspiring examples and good practices in the framework of the Smart Specialisation approaches.
    Read full story


Region Västerbotten

  • Town
  • Region
    Västerbottens län
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

The Baltic Institute of Finland

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Aalto University

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

LAB University of Applied Sciences

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI)

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology MITA

  • Town
  • Region
    Vilniaus apskritis
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

Tröndelag County Council

  • Town
  • Region
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR

St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Medical Information and Analytical Centre"

  • Town
    St. Petersburg
  • Region
    City of St. Petersburg
  • Country
Approximate total partner budget in EUR