25 June 2024

107 directions to shine!

Written by Anna Galyga

In the third call for project applications, the Programme has received as many as 107 applications with a variety of ideas on how to build innovative and climate-neutral societies in the Baltic Sea region. ​

Interreg Baltic Sea Region has just closed its third call for applications for core projects. With 56 core projects already up and running, there are high expectations regarding the new projects to be selected: which ideas are best to further shape the green and resilient Baltic Sea region? What’s the change are they expecting to bring in? How are the partnerships planning to work beyond borders to bring their solutions into use?

From PIF to the sky

When applying for funding with Interreg Baltic Sea Region, it is obligatory to submit a project idea form, in other words, a sketch of a project. Based on this project idea form (PIF), the applicants can request a tailor-made consultation. By mid-April, the applicants managed in fact to develop as many as 203 project idea forms.

There were multiple other ways how the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat supported the applicants along the application process: from webinars and Q&A sessions to tutorials and an array of support materials published in the gateway for applications.

107 inspiring ideas to shape the future

Finally, after months of intensive work, the applicants have succeeded in submitting as many as 107 fully-fledged applications. Almost 1000 organisations from all nine Programme area countries developed 55 applications fitting under Priority 1 Innovative societies and 52 applications – under Priority 3 Climate-neutral societies. The highest interest attracted Programme Objective 1.1 Resilient economies and communities with 32 applications. This time, the least popular turned out to be Programme Objective 3.1 Smart green mobility with seven applications.

A very exciting number to highlight is the share of newcomers amongst all the organisations involved in the partnership: 43% organisations involved are new to the Interreg family and are eager to shape the future of the region by working transnationally! Overall, the highest number of applicants comes from Finland and Poland. Finland also scores highest for taking the lead partner’s role.

Another highlight refers to a very high number of public authorities, sectoral agencies and service providers involved as partner organisations, which goes in line with line with one of the Programme’s main focuses: support public authorities in meeting the demands of communities and companies on the ground.

Next steps

Now, the applications are undergoing an admissibility check and a thorough assessment. This will enable the Monitoring Committee members, who convene in mid-November, to select the best project applications which most comprehensively address the existing challenges in the region and bring practical solutions for a green and resilient region.

Check out!



Project library with already funded projects

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