Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Project news
Boosting hydrogen in the transport sector will require significant investments
The current development phase of the HyTruck project focuses on creating five spatial planning concepts, one of which pertains to the Vidzeme...
ReStart Incubation Program for Ukrainian Migrant Women in Norway
Ukrainian: Старт програми ReStart 25 жовтня: шукаємо вмотивованих учасниць з інноваційними бізнес-ідеями Мерія Мере-ог-Ромсдал, у співпраці з...
Seminar on Advanced treatment technologies
We are delighted to invite you to attend the seminar on Advanced treatment technologies, which will be held on 09 October 2024, in Gdańsk at the...
Seminarium „Zaawansowane procesy w oczyszczaniu wód i ścieków”
Szanowni Państwo, Pragniemy Państwa zaprosić na seminarium „Zaawansowane procesy w oczyszczaniu wód i ścieków” organizowane w ramach projektu...
Fieldwork on Hiiumaa Island: Exploring Areas for Learning Sites
Introduction At the end of June 2024, the Estonian University of Life Sciences conducted fieldwork on Hiiumaa Island for the "Supported by Nature"...
Saldus takes first steps towards reuse of water
The pilot facility collects stormwater in an underground reservoir below the Kalpak Square, located in the central and prominent area of...
Gypsum Applications and Impact Monitoring Underway in Åland
The gypsum treatment pilot in Åland, led by the John Nurminen Foundation as part of the GYPREG project, has been advancing according to plan....
Webinar reached stakeholders in ten countries
Light in the Dark's second project webinar attracted 244 participants from ten countries. The webinar firstly presents the views of almost 300...
Technical Collaboration in Creating a 360° Application for a Children’s Hospital
Working on technical projects in collaboration with other fields always requires good communication and expertise in the topics you’re covering. In...
Invitation for piloting of the BalMarGrav product
The BalMarGrav Working Group would like to invite for pilot activities of the BalMarGrav project, which will last until 23 September 2024. The aim...
Hydrogen in Heavy Duty Transport – The Swedish Perspective
The twelfth HyTruck Breakfast Briefing on 4th September 2024 was hosted and moderated by Hadi Farabi, Chalmers University of Technology. 60...
Fieldwork completed for the coastal landscape assessment in Latvia
Landscapes are a significant coastal resource, crucial for community and local identity, biodiversity, and tourism development. They are...