Did you miss the latest Working Group meeting on round goby test fishing? No worries, you can watch the full recording here.
Baltic Sea fishery currently experiences severe limits of total allowable catches for traditional fish species (cod, herring). At same time, the Round Goby (RG), an invasive fish species to the Baltic Sea, is not subject to these limits. It is by now the predominant fish species in many Baltic coastal areas and is continuously increasing its range and abundance. This has negative effects on epibenthic mollusks and native fish roe; but national initiatives to address this potentially new resource, and hence mitigate its negative impacts, have so far been scarce. Moreover, fishery opportunities are so far limited as with current fishing gear by-catch of native smaller species is a risk. Also, whereas RG is commonly used for human consumption in the Black Sea region, it is neither known to Baltic consumers nor are fish processing lines adapted to its small size. Latvia is currently the only BSR country that has commercial RG fishing for export and a RG management scheme. Through transnational cooperation and competence-building of fishers, gear manufacturers, the industry and relevant regulatory authorities, the Round Goby project will promote RG fishing by exploring management options, develop jointly approved fishing methods and report systems as well as showcase production of high value products for local markets. The project will open new opportunities for Baltic fishermen while reducing the population of an invasive species which threatens the Baltic Sea’s biodiversity.
in numbers.
Our solutions
in numbers.
- 55.556554114.3499903
- 54.5233303518.604027892041863
- 56.90967324.15214087756266
- 55.771864912.5051413
- 59.815349817.6613506
- 54.898213923.9044817
- 59.437215524.7453688
- 56.662882616.3662382
- 55.763213213.0003944
- 52.480655313.3471165
- 54.790131618.4087342
- 55.470084214.2788353
- 55.519432314.3452106
- 55.73482965384615521.21686193076923
- 56.04126912.613327
Project partners
- TownSimrishamn
- Region
- CountrySweden
- RegionSkåne län
- RepresentativeMunicipality of Simrishamn
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- TownGdynia
- Region
- CountryPoland
- RegionTrójmiejski
- RepresentativeGdynia Maritime University
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- TownRiga
- Region
- CountryLatvia
- RegionRÄ«ga
- RepresentativeInstitute of Food safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR"
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- TownKgs. Lyngby
- Region
- CountryDenmark
- RegionNordsjælland
- RepresentativeTechnical University of Denmark
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- TownUppsala
- Region
- CountrySweden
- RegionUppsala län
- RepresentativeSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
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- TownKaunas
- Region
- CountryLithuania
- RegionKauno apskritis
- RepresentativeKaunas Univertsity of Technology
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- TownTallinn
- Region
- CountryEstonia
- RegionPõhja-Eesti
- RepresentativeCenter of Food and Fermentation Technologies
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- TownKalmar
- Region
- CountrySweden
- RegionKalmar län
- RepresentativeKalmar municipality
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- TownLöddeköpinge
- Region
- CountrySweden
- RegionSkåne län
- RepresentativeLow Impact Fishers of Europe (LIFE)
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- TownBerlin
- Region
- CountryGermany
- RegionBerlin
- RepresentativeSUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG
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- TownWładysławowo
- Region
- CountryPoland
- RegionGdański
- RepresentativePort of Władysławowo "Szkuner" Sp. z o.o.
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- TownSkillinge
- Region
- CountrySweden
- RegionSkåne län
- RepresentativeSkillinge Fisk-Impex AB
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- TownBrantevik
- Region
- CountrySweden
- RegionSkåne län
- RepresentativeRosbergs Fisk på Österlen
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- TownMartinų k., Klaipėdos raj.
- Region
- CountryLithuania
- RegionKlaipÄ—dos apskritis
- RepresentativeBaltijos konservai, LTDÂ
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- TownHelsingor
- Region
- CountryDenmark
- RegionØstsjælland
- RepresentativeDanish Small-Scale Fishermen’s Producer Organisation
- Phone
- E-Mail
- Web
Project manager, Communication managerMadeleine LundinMunicipality of Simrishamn
Financial managerElise AnderssonMunicipality of Simrishamn
Project managerVesa TschernijMunicipality of Simrishamn
Project managerHannes HallMunicipality of Simrishamn
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