GoSmart&Excel BSR
Smart Specialisation approaches and Strategies (S3) are multiplying across Europe and the Baltic Sea region as a way to infuse innovation and increase competitiveness through beneficial partnerships among business, research and authorities. The most critical and vulnerable group of actors dealing with S3 are SMEs, which largely fall behind other players in terms of innovation activities and investments in research and development. Even though the SMEs get support in idea generation and incubation, the analysis shows that the support funding is no longer available and some support tools need an upgrade.
GoSmart&Excel BSR continued the efforts initiated by its forerunner project GoSmart BSR that aimed to identify gaps in the available support systems, understand the needs and development barriers. GoSmart&Excel BSR helped SMEs to become more innovative and to internationalise their businesses, in the long term. It teached innovation actors in the Baltic Sea region (and beyond) to practically and jointly apply the Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) approach. The project brought the key outcomes of the GoSmart BSR project into use, in particular the transnational smart specialisation strategy methodology and the transnational innovation brokerage system.
in numbers
0.00MillionEni + Russia
Transnational Smart Specialisation Strategy
One of the main achievements of GoSmart&Excel BSR project is the development of Transnational Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) for the Baltic Sea Region. Transnational S3 for the Baltic Sea Region is developed to be adopted and used in the future by all innovation actors across the region. The intention is to prioritise joint actions and to inspire other EU macro-regions to develop their own S3s. The project stressed the importance of transnational cooperation and synergies among industry, research and development and public authorities.
Business needs in focus
Besides, GoSmart&Excel BSR advanced a practical tool supporting this strategy on a business level, the Transnational Brokerage System for Innovation in the Baltic Sea Region. A functioning, developing and
sustainable Transnational Brokerage System for Innovation (TIBS) in the Baltic Sea Region has engaged many SMEs and innovation partners to develop Joint Transnational Smart Strategies that will help their internationalisation based on innovations. As a result, many transnational business and innovation partners came together to develop internationalisation strategies and increase their knowledge.
Peer learning
The partnership also addressed the needs of the less developed regions in the Baltic Sea area. The recommendations were to continue with peer learning, translating S3 to practical SMEs joint actions and finding the possibility to learn from the best practices demonstrated by the developed regions.
Trans-S3 for the Baltic Sea region

Transnational Brokerage System for Innovation (TIBS) services

Project Stories
Enterprises go smart beyond borders with Interreg
Small and medium sized enterprises largely fall behind other players in innovation and investments in research & development (R&D). Thanks to the Interreg project GoSmart BSR, enterprises in seven countries around the Baltic Sea learned how to use smart specialisation to improve competitiveness jointly and gain access to new markets.Read full story
Bialystok University of Technology
- TownBialystok
- RegionBiałostocki
- CountryPoland
- RepresentativeWiesław Urban
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Podlaska Regional Development Foundation
- TownBiałystok
- RegionBiałostocki
- CountryPoland
- RepresentativeMagdalena Maksimowicz
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Vidzeme Planning Region
- TownCēsis, Cēsu novads
- RegionVidzeme
- CountryLatvia
- RepresentativeSanta Niedola
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Valga Municipality Government
- TownValga
- RegionLõuna-Eesti
- CountryEstonia
- RepresentativeLaura Grezdens
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Public Institution Lithuanian Innovation Centre
- TownVilnius
- RegionVilniaus apskritis
- CountryLithuania
- RepresentativeTautvydas Pipiras
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Kouvola Innovation Oy
- TownKouvola
- RegionKymenlaakso
- CountryFinland
- RepresentativeMarina Sorokina
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Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI)
- TownHamburg
- RegionHamburg
- CountryGermany
- RepresentativeIsabel Sünner
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Baltic Institute of Finland
- TownTampere
- RegionPirkanmaa
- CountryFinland
- RepresentativeEsa Kokkonen
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RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
- TownHudiksvall
- RegionGävleborgs län
- CountrySweden
- RepresentativeTorbjörn Jonsson
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North Denmark EU-Office
- TownStøvring
- RegionNordjylland
- CountryDenmark
- RepresentativeHanne Bregendahl Pihl
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Project managerWieslaw UrbanBialystok University of Technology
Legal representativeMirosław ŚwierczBialystok University of Technology
Financial managerMaciej ŁukaszukBialystok University of Technology
Communication managerMarta RiekstiņaVidzeme Planning Region