Project Partner promotion - Bornholm
24 June 2024
On the 22nd of May Ms. Sara Björkqvist attended the meeting there she visited WWTP in Samsø (Samsø Spildevand A/S), where they are testing treated wastewater for agricultural irrigation. She was invited to make a presentation about the WaterMan project during a consortium meeting for the ReNutriWater-project.
This is an excellent example of cooperation and sharing experiences between partners of different projects under the Interreg Baltic Sea Region program.
Both projects focus on the topic of water reuse, however, the ReNutriWater project helps public authorities develop action plans to recover wastewater and reuse it for cleaning, and watering recreational areas and plants as well as domestic purposes. WaterMan project would like to connect public authorities and water companies to create model strategies to reuse water and recirculate retained water.