Building trust in target groups for ALUM treatment - an effective, yet misunderstood method for water quality improvement

First six months of the TRUST ALUM project

22 January 2024
The first newsletter highlights our progress towards the first-ever ALUM treatment for Baltic lakes - Lake Velnezers in Riga. Subscribers are invited to experience this treatment firsthand.
Technical details

Welcome to the first TRUST ALUM newsletter! In this issue, we cover the challenge of eutrophication in Baltic lakes and our ALUM treatment approach. Highlights include our project’s progress, the benefits of ALUM, and a focus on the upcoming treatment demonstration at Lake Velnezers in Riga, Latvia this spring. Did you know that this will be the first-ever ALUM treatment on the Baltic lake?

Stay updated with our activities! And be among the ones who will meet the project team on site and will experience the Lake Velnezers treatment in praxis.

Subscribe to the TRUST ALUM newsletter!