Technology transfEr for Thriving Recirculating Aquaculture Systems in the Baltic Sea Region

The Aquaculture Working Group

30 June 2023
The SUBMARINER Aquaculture Working Group (AWG) brings together actors from the Baltic Sea region and beyond, who are involved in promoting and developing solutions to the diverse challenges faced by the aquaculture sector.
Technical details

Established in 2021, the SUBMARINER Aquaculture Working Group (AWG) serves as a collaborative platform for researchers, companies, public authorities, technology providers, NGOs, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders. Its primary goals is to address the challenges and opportunities associated with the sustainable growth of aquaculture. By fostering open discussions, the AWG facilitates the integration of diverse initiatives taking place in Europe, connecting projects and partners to collectively overcome sector-specific issues.

The AWG sessions are organized online every two to three months, occasionally with defined topics and they offer a valuable platform to exchange the work and results of various initiatives happening within the field.



For the duration of the project, TETRAS will coordinate the activities of the SUBMARINER AWG. In addition to this, the TETRAS Industry Sounding Board (ISB) –a group of stakeholders from the BSR and beyond that will have access to te project’s ongoing work, provide feedback, and benefit from networking activities– will be integrated into the SUBMARINER AWG to ensure the effective durability of the TETRAS project results and delivery of expected impacts. The aim here is not only to continue disseminating TETRAS results but very importantly to take on board TETRAS recommendations, combine them with other current and past projects, to build on TETRAS results.




Past meetings:
  • 02.05.2023 – Recirculating Aquaculture Systems and Symbiosis. Minute.
  • 20.06.2023 – Aquaponics – Symbiotic relationships! Minute.
Upcoming meetings:
  • September 2023 – 12.09.2023 Topic to be defined.
  • November 2023

For feedback and topic suggestions please contact Maria J. de la Pena (


More about the SUBMARINER Aquaculture Group here.