Sustainable Fisheries Working Group
18 April 2024
“If you can’t beat them, eat them” – the inaugural Sustainable Fisheries Working group focused on opportunities and challenges for commercial fishing of round goby in the Baltic Sea. 23 participants joined the first meeting on April 11th, 2024, to learn more about test fishing, gear, and global markets for round goby products.
Hannes Hall, the main project coordinator of RoundGoby, shortly introduced the project which promotes commercial fishing of round goby in the Baltic Sea.
Jakub Piotrowicz then introduced the WP 1 study on Round Goby world-wide aspects and markets. The study will be a comprehensive overview of all aspects concerning round goby, including the biology and behaviour, the current commercial value of round goby and finally current fishing and processing methods. First findings from the study include how Round Goby spread to the Baltic Sea and how round goby is currently consumed in its native regions of the Black and Caspian Sea.
Stefan Eiler at SLU then introduced the current and future test fishing plans and what gear the project will use and where the test fishing will take place.
Lastly, Marc Eskelund and FSK-PO looked at current gear used by coastal fisheries, the potential and challenges to use these nets for fishing Round Goby.
The full summary of the meeting can be found in the published minutes.
For questions or topic suggestions, please contact Annika Steele at SUBMARINER Network (as(at)submariner-network.eu).
You can register to be part of the working group here
The next meeting will take place in October 2024.