Promoting commercial fishing of Round Goby in the Baltic Sea

Save the date! RoundGoby / Sustainable Fisheries WG meeting

10 January 2025
Round goby fishing in the Baltic Sea - what can we learn from fishers?
Technical details

The first working group meeting of the year will take place online on Feb 12th, 10-12 CET.

In this session, we’ll look back at RoundGoby test fishing rounds in spring and autumn 2024.

Hear from our participating fishers and scientists on what worked well and what could be improved for the next round in spring 2025. We’ll look at the data collected regarding what methods and gear worked the best and how much round goby was actually caught. Finally, we’ll discuss what needs to change in terms of regulation and economic incentives for fishing to remain viable for small-scale coastal fishers in the future.

Register here and join us for some insightful discussions.

The working group is an open forum for Baltic Sea stakeholders who are interested in sustainable fisheries and wish to contribute with content, new research, technologies or trends relevant to sustainable fisheries in the Baltic Sea, with a specific focus on round goby and other coastal fisheries management.