Promoting commercial fishing of Round Goby in the Baltic Sea

RoundGoby featured on Swedish Radio

21 February 2024
Tune in all Swedish speakers! One of the RoundGoby project partners was interviewed in Swedish radio about serving Round Goby products in school cantines in Kalmar.
Technical details

Kalmar municipality is a project partner and collaborator in the RoundGoby pilot focused on processing and developing new, tasty Round Goby products for human consumption. These products will then be tested by perhaps the pickiest eaters of us all – schoolkids – to evaluate taste and consistency. Finally, certain products will be picked out for upscaling, helped by business support plans developed by SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth.

The pilot is a collaboration between project partners Simrishamn municipality, and the processing companies Skillinge Fisk Impex AB and Branteviks fisk, and Kalmar municipality.