Wastewater management in Jūrmala aligns with innovations in the field
16 October 2024
During the event, representatives of innovative solutions shared their experiences, covering topics such as wastewater sludge treatment and the creation and implementation of artificial wetlands in Latvia. Participants also had the opportunity to hear presentations from Riga Technical University and Ūdensceļš Tehnoloģija Ltd.
At the Sloka wastewater treatment facility, operated by Jūrmalas ūdens Ltd., part of the research conducted by Empyrio Ltd. involves testing the sludge generated from the treatment of municipal wastewater in the city of Jūrmala. In addition, as part of the exploration of alternative wastewater treatment technologies, one potential direction at the historical Lielupe wastewater treatment facility site is the development of an artificial wetland. This innovation would enable the local treatment of some of the city’s wastewater, which is currently pumped to the Daugavgrīva treatment facility in Riga, while simultaneously creating an attractive, nature-friendly site.
During networking breaks, representatives from Jūrmalas ūdens Ltd. shared their experiences from INTERREG cooperation projects “ReNutriWater” and “NURSECOAST-II” with colleagues. One of the innovations discussed was the use of properly treated wastewater in urban environments, such as for greening purposes.
The event, which brought together representatives from scientific institutions, technology developers, and water management companies, was well received, and there is hope that similar events will continue to be organized in the future to bring together various valuable stakeholders.
Event publication is also available in Latvian language on this website: https://www.jurmalasudens.lv/?ct=notikumi&fu=read&id=300&start=1#lightbox[a]/2/