The RenoWave team gets to know the Latvian building renovation experience
02 October 2023
The creation of one-stop agencies is planned for the spring of next year, where building managers and other interested parties will be able to receive informational and technical support about the renovation of homeowned multi-apartment buildings.
Forum-type meetings with building managers, boards, residents and other experts will be organized during the project in order to understand the problematic issues in the steps of building renovation and find the most appropriate solutions together.
During the meeting of RenoWave partners in Latvia, we also invited the representative of the Riga Energy Agency, Valters Liberts Muzikants, to share his experience about the operation of the one-stop agency in Riga and what has been done so far. V.L. Muzikant says that since the establishment of the agency in 2021 until this year, more than 500 consultations have been held with residents on various topics – energy efficiency of buildings, heating system, transition to renewable energy, building energy communities, as well as decision-making.
We went to Sigulda, Cēsis and Valmiera to introduce the approaches to renovation of multi-apartment buildings in Latvia. At Stacijas Street 28, in the city of Sigulda, we visited a 42-apartment house. The renovation was completed in 2013. A contract was concluded with an Energy service company for the renovation of this building. The contract is concluded to implement energy efficiency-promoting measures in the building with guaranteed energy savings that cover all or part of the investments required for renovation works.
In Cēsis, we went to Lenču Street 42, where the renovation of the building was carried out thanks to the active residents of the house and attracting the housing management company. The building was renovated two years ago, and the residents of the house have also decided on the improvement of the plot of land adjacent to the residential house with the support of the municipality of Cēsis county.
In Valmiera, the project partners had the opportunity to be the first to see the newly renovated multi-apartment building at Linarda Laicena Street 12, and together with the real estate management company to go to Gaujas Street 2. It should be emphasized that the multi-apartment building at Gaujas Street 2 won 2nd place in the “Let’s live warmer!” contest nomination “The most energy-efficient renovated apartment building 2021”.
Information was prepared by Baiba Šelkovska, Communication manager, Vidzeme Planning Region. E-mail: baiba.selkovska@vidzeme.lv