Reaching Out: First Phase Dissemination Activities of the Energy Equilibrium Project
30 June 2023
An overview of the project’s dissemination activities during the first phase of project’s implementation.
During the first phase of the project’s implementation (January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023), the project idea and initial results were presented at a variety of seminars and knowledge-sharing events. Here is a list of events in which the Interreg BSR project Energy Equilibrium participated.
Participation in the seminar organized by the project “Central Eastern European Sustainable Energy Network (CEESEU)”.
On March 15, 2023, the project idea was presented at the seminar organized by the Vidzeme Planning Region within the project “Central Eastern European Sustainable Energy Network (CEESEU)”.
The seminar gathered representatives from municipalities to learn theory and perform various hands-on tasks that will help specialists develop new or renew existing sustainable energy and climate action plans (SECAPs) in municipalities.
You can read more about the seminar here.
Participation and presentation at the CONECT International Scientific Conference on Environmental and Climate Technologies.
On May 10-12, 2023, Riga Technical University hosted the XVI International Scientific Conference of Environmental and Climate Technologies CONECT, where initial project results were presented.
Topic of the presentation “Realizing Renewable Energy Storage Potential in Municipalities: Identifying the Factors that Matter,” presented by the project’s communications manager, Kristiāna Dolge.
Program and information about the conference available here.
Presentation at the conference organized by VASAB
The project idea was presented at the conference ” Vibrant, Resilient, Well-connected – The Baltic Sea Region in 2040. Expert’s Conference on the updated VASAB Vision” organized by VASAB on June 1, 2023 in Wismar, Germany.
Experts in the field of spatial planning and regional development gathered to discuss what the VASAB vision means for the Baltic Sea Region and how different stakeholders can contribute to make it a reality.
The presentation and information about the conference can be found here.