Model Nutrients Reduction Solutions In Near-Coast Touristic Areas

Greetings from Europe Forum 2024

02 September 2024
NURSECOAST-II project was presented in the Europe Forum 2024 in Turku 28-30.8.  The theme of the Europe Forum was “Europe’s Secure Future” and the security theme covers also sustainable development and resilience.
Technical details


The opening remarks were delivered by Patrick Child, Deputy Director General for Environment and Cities Mission Manager. He stressed the increasing importance of effective water management, noting that climate change, poor practices, overuse, and pollution cost Europe’s water economy 9 billion euros last year. Water is not just a local issue; it requires broader attention, which is why the European Council has added water resilience to its strategic agenda. Mr. Child also highlighted the need to go beyond traditional legislation by leveraging technology, innovation, and investments to secure water resilience. He mentioned Interreg funds as a valuable tool for discovering new solutions.

The panel showcased four unique Interreg-funded projects ReNutriWater, Waterman, NURSECOAST-II, and City Blues, each contributing to the Policy Area Nutri within the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Representatives from these projects discussed topics such as water security and sustainable practices. These include recovering safe water and nutrients from wastewater, implementing water reuse strategies, piloting alternative treatment technologies, and utilizing nature-based solutions to prevent flooding.

In the panel discussion Anu Reinikainen (on the behalf of the NURSECOAST-II project) highlighted the role of small-scale wastewater treatment systems in the coastal touristic areas and technology improvements when tackling the seasonality effect regarding the wastewater loads. She also emphasized the importance of sustainability assessment when implementing novel solutions.

Marcin Żuchowski (also member of NURSECOAST-II project) presented WaterMan project and highlighted the projects idea that different qualities of water can be used for different purposes. He also emphased engagement of stakeholders as most actors the idea of water reuse is still a novelty.

Elsi Kauppinen, the coordinator from EUSBSR Policy Area Nutri noted that the presented solutions lead towards more resilient societies, where biodiversity is taken into account in water management, we have systems that protect us from floods and drought, where even the new water sources are safe to use and decrease our reliance on water resources that might get depleted during severe droughts. When the water stays in circulation and the nutrients it contains are used for human needs rather than dumped into to sea, we can even have a cleaner environment and a sea without algae blooms.

At the conclusion of the panel discussion, Kauppinen emphasized that climate change and other environmental pressures will make it increasingly challenging for municipalities to address these issues. However, these projects offer piloted and analyzed solutions, along with practical guidance in the form of handbooks, to enhance sustainable water management across the region. By keeping water in circulation and utilizing its nutrients for human needs instead of discharging them into the sea, we can achieve a cleaner environment and reduce the occurrence of algae blooms.

The event was great success and well organized.  Warm weather and sunny Turku provided a wonderful setting for the event.

See the recording HERE.