NURSECOAST II seeking alternative wastewater treatment solutions
11 April 2023
NURSECOAST-II is a pioneering project that unites 17 partner organizations from 8 countries in the Baltic Sea Region, aimed at mitigating the seasonal increase in wastewater production and nutrient discharges in tourist areas around the Baltic Sea. The project will conduct six pilots in Denmark, Poland, Lithuania, and Finland, testing innovative wastewater solutions that can be used in the Baltic Sea region. Additionally, the project will conduct three regional surveys in Sweden, Estonia, and Latvia, supported by a pan-Baltic Sea Region GIS-based mapping.
NURSECOAST-II comprises three work packages, namely WP1 – Preparing Solutions, WP2 – Piloting and Evaluating Solutions, and WP3 – Transferring Solutions. WP1 will include seasonality mapping and analyses, pilots’ technical preparation, socio-economic considerations’ analysis, and transnational co-creation workshops. WP2 will consist of pilot development support and validation, six pilots in Denmark, Poland, Lithuania, and Finland, environmental assessment, and peer-reviewing the pilot solutions. WP3 will cover different communication and dissemination activities, outreach to stakeholders, analysis of barriers and incentives for business, and knowledge exchange for regional development.
The project has begun with a high level of motivation and enthusiasm among all the partners, who are eager to find better wastewater treatment solutions in the Baltic Sea region. The project will include practical study visits and opportunities for knowledge and experience exchange. All updates about the ongoing work progress and results will be available on this website, so stay tuned for more information.