Light in the Dark – Increasing resilience in rural and coastal tourism in the northern Baltic Sea Region by developing off-season experiences
Light in the Dark

Summer newsletter

01 July 2024
Have you read our latest newsletter that dropped last week?
Technical details

In the newsletter you will be able to read more about the following topics:

• our project meeting in Klaipeda in May.
• a taster of the results of the SME Challenge inventory which surveyed SMEs views of the challenges and possibilities presented by seasonality. 239 SMEs from all regions completed the survey, and an additional 36 in-depth interviews were conducted.
• An invitation to join us at our next webinar where the results of both the SME Challenge inventory and the Visitor Analysis will be presented. Sign up for the “Challenges and possibilities for low season tourism in the Baltic Sea Regionwebinar here.
• News of the upcoming SME workshop series “Co-creating tourism experiences” to be held in autumn 2024

We wish all our partners and stakeholders a successful summer season.

Be sure to subscribe so that you don’t miss any future newsletters!