Service design workshop organised in Vejle (Denmark) to take next steps towards the KISMET solution
12 June 2023
During three sunny days in May, all KISMET partners gathered in Vejle, Denmark, for an intensive workshop and a Taste of Vejle. The workshop produced 19 innovative concepts that the partners will test and further refine in the next phase of KISMET.
Leading up to the workshop, each partner collected data, materials, knowledge, and shared experiences. This collaborative effort ensured that the concepts built upon existing know-how and information. These concepts, along with a comprehensive collection of knowledge, will be accessible to the partners and associated organizations through an interactive booklet. The booklet constitutes the first version of the KISMET solution and is for internal use in the Local Innovation Partnerships (LIPs) during the upcoming piloting phase. In KISMET, eight LIPs consisting of project partners and other food sector stakeholders (public authorities, business support organisations, sectoral agencies, think tanks, research institutes, etc.) work on local cases to foster sustainable food system innovations.
Once the partners have piloted and fine-tuned the concepts, all of this valuable inspiration and information will be made available to anyone interested in promoting sustainable food options for both producers and consumers.
In addition to concept development, the meeting in Vejle provided yet another great opportunity after the kick-off meeting in Hamburg to meet across countries and organisations. It fostered a deeper understanding of the challenges faced and offered inspiration on how to proceed with the work in KISMET.
Fortunately, the partners were also able to enjoy a Taste of Vejle, including Viking-themed open-faced sandwiches and a build-your-own smørrebrød-workshop. The partners also learned more about the strategic food initiatives in Vejle Municipality including the Culinary Institute by Vejle Erhverv and the Food Innovation Center. Both organisations are dedicated to improving the supply and demand for plant-rich meals.
The Taste of Vejle also included a visit to a sustainability-focused center for citizens and a site tour of a Michelin-starred restaurant that emphasizes local food production and sustainability.
All in all, some very productive, informative and, not least, enjoyable few days for the KISMET partnership in Vejle.