Article on implementation of energy accumulation and storage on municipal level
06 January 2025
The article about Implementation of Energy Accumulation and Storage Systems on Municipal Level was published in branch journal „Thermal Technology“.
The article provides rather extensive overview of accumulation and storage systems available for the use in municipal energy sectors.
Renewable energy storage was highlighted as a key element, to accelerate the development of local energy systems, decarbonization of local energy systems. However, local authorities responsible for setting the direction and creating an enabling policy environment for RES for the development of renewable energy infrastructure, face challenges in deploying energy storage. As energy storage technologies are new, their deployment at municipal level involves many uncertainties. Local authorities are confronted with issues which often remain unanswered due to lack of knowledge, experience and lack of local capacity, which in turn complicates the regions’ path towards climate neutrality.
The article is based on the material of the Final Report of the Activity GoA 1.1 – Performing multi-dimensional assessment of different RES development scenarios in Municipalities, and provides overview of thermal, electricity, transport fuel, hydrogen and biomethane storage systems. It presents main characteristics as well as niches in municipal energy systems, where such systems can be implemented and widely used for development of renewable energy sources.
The article is published in Lithuanian, in the journal of Lithuanian District Heating Association (LDHA) and Lithuanian Thermotechnical Engineer’s Society (LITES) “Thermal Technology”, p. 27-35. The journal can be downloaded here.
This article was prepared by Lithuanian Energy Institute.