Collaboration is picking up speed for sustainable, circular and regenerative food systems
19 April 2023
Between the successful Kick-off Meeting in Hamburg, Germany on 7 and 8 of March and the upcoming Service Design Workshop in Vejle, Denmark on the 8 to 10 of May, the partnership is flourishing by exchanging experiences about sustainable food fields. Furthermore by developing a greater understanding of mutual opportunities as well as further formulations of the various demands and needs of each partner, the associations are growing. Each Local Innovation Partnership is tackling a specific food system issue in their local context, but there are synergies and similarities which need to be explored. This is where the KISMET solution “Enabling Programme for Sustainable Food Environments” comes in. It will feature a mix of formats and sources along the three categories of “Governance & Integration”, “Demand Side / Consumption Factors” and “Supply Side / Production Factors”. Partners are collecting a valuable range of sources, strategies and policies which will be processed and curated over the next months. This will eventually be transformed into a well-structured and easily accessible box of enabling tools, guidance and reference cases for the future. The seeds have been planted in the KISMET garden and now we will watch it grow!