Kick-Off Event launches Climate-4-CAST project in Hamburg
19 January 2024
The HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU) hosted the inaugural event for the Climate-4-CAST project, bringing together representatives from the project partners across the Baltic Sea Region. The kick-off, held on November 23 and 24, 2023, at HCU’s premises, marked the initiation of collaborative efforts to address climate neutrality challenges.
The two-day event provided a platform for insightful sessions, thematic workshops, and engaging discussions. Participants, representing project partners from 6 countries, delved into various aspects of the Climate-4-CAST project. The agenda was designed to facilitate introductions, team-building exercises, and exchanges of ideas on project activities, challenges, and opportunities.
Led by the project team at HCU, the kick-off set the stage for the ambitious Climate-4-CAST project, which aims to co-develop an open-source decision support tool for local public authorities in the Baltic Sea Region. Through this, the project seeks to facilitate local decision-making processes by adopting climate budgeting as an urban governance instrument.
The kick-off event has laid a strong foundation for the collaborative journey that lies ahead in the next phases of the project. The team is enthusiastic about the possibilities and impact that Climate-4-CAST will bring to the Baltic Sea Region’s efforts in combatting climate change.