Setting up the evaluation framework for CITYAM
26 January 2024
Every project needs to evaluate their impact and results and in CITYAM we have just published our criteria and guidelines. The report ‘Setting up the evaluation framework’ forms the basis for impact and process evaluation of the solutions and longer-term impact of the CITYAM project. It establishes success criteria for the work to be done in piloting and evaluating the solutions and transferring the solutions. In addition to technological aspects, it includes political, social and environmental criteria.
In particular, the general framework contains four shorter more specific frameworks which are policy & regulations, market & resources, environment, and stakeholder involvement, each focusing on one Social Embeddedness Evaluation (SEL) dimension. Through the topics, the framework addresses the smart and green mobility aims of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region call.
As the solutions will be implemented and replicated in six countries in total, the evaluation framework will have a distinct transnational chapter, in which the city-evaluations will be compared and lessons drawn for further international scaling.