Open call for drone-as-a-service pilot – utilising drones in healthcare logistics
03 May 2024
Forum Virium Helsinki is currently holding an open call for tenders, seeking a drone service provider to conduct BVLOS test flights for healthcare logistics. The call for tenders focuses on drone-as-a-service pilots that advance solutions to support and enhance the healthcare logistics chain in Helsinki through unmanned aerial vehicles. We are looking for a solution where healthcare items are delivered by air from the main warehouse of the Helsinki city-owned maintenance and infrastructure provider to a public healthcare centre in Helsinki.
The call for tenders closes on Friday 17 May 2024. One service provider will be selected through this call for tenders. The invitation to tender is open to companies with a valid European business ID. Tenders can also be submitted collectively by two or more entities.
Piloting during the autumn 2024
In autumn 2024, Forum Virium Helsinki is to carry out a pilot in cooperation with Stara (the Helsinki city-owned maintenance and infrastructure provider that takes care of city-internal logistics) and SOTEPE Logistics (the Helsinki city-owned healthcare logistics coordinator) about the utilisation of drones in healthcare logistics. The pilot is part of the CITYAM project – Preparing cities for sustainable urban air mobility project led by Forum Virium Helsinki and funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region (co-funded by the European Union) for the period 2023-2025. Through the pilot, we aim to reach an overview of the opportunities and challenges related to the utilisation of drones in healthcare logistics in an urban environment. The aim is to have at least 30 BVLOS flights during the pilot.
The forthcoming pilots offer an excellent opportunity to strengthen the level of the City’s pandemic resilience by utilising drone technology in medical supply chains. The healthcare supplies to be delivered are considered non-urgent but still essential in a future pandemic crisis.
Further information
If you have any questions about the open call for tenders, please contact renske.martijnse-hartikka@forumvirium.fi and zacharoula.syrivli@forumvirium.fi (subject line: CITYAM A.2.2: Utilising drones in healthcare logistics) by 15 May 2024. Questions can be submitted during the tender period. The answers will be compiled and published on this webpage regularly throughout the tender period. The last Q&A update will be one (1) day before the tender deadline on Friday 17 May 2024.
Forum Virium Helsinki is the innovation organisation of the City of Helsinki. We co-create urban futures together with companies, research institutes, other public sector organisations and Helsinki residents. Our mission is to make Helsinki the most functional smart city in the world.