Map of unutilized forestry biomass residues in sawmills
28 May 2024
Information on the available unutilized forestry biomass residues in the Baltic Sea Region is incomplete. Reliable estimates of unutilized forestry biomass by-products produced by sawmills will enhance the capacity to make reliable feasibility analysis of large scale projects with significant demand for biomass. This map provides an indication of the amount of unutilized forestry biomass by-products produced by sawmills in Poland, Latvia, Finland, Sweden and Lithuania. This amount could be for example available for producing high value green chemicals when valuable active compounds are isolated. In order to create the map we collected sawmill production data from the above mentioned countries and created an online ArcGIS map that is openly available. Except sawdust, bark, dry chips and shavings in the map one can find an estimation of the ash produced from the production of heat within the sawmills. Also peatlands in all above named countries are visible in the map.
You can find the map here. This video will help you get the most out of the information provided in the map