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BSI_4Women Lead Partner
27 June 2023
Lead Partner of the BSI_4Women Project
Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. (Rzeszow Regional Development Agency) in the role of the Lead Partner.
As we are running preparations to the next steps of our project’s implementation, I would love to share with you some info on our Partnership.
As you already know, each Partner has its specific role in the project.
First, let me present you some facts about the Lead Partner – Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.
Rzeszów Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego SA was established by a notarial deed on May 31, 1993 in the form of a joint stock company. The goal of RARR S.A. is to conduct activities aimed at the comprehensive development of Podkarpacie Region by concentrating and mobilizing the potential of
local communities as well as advisory and service activities in the processes of restructuring, opening and supporting economic ventures, promoting the Region and acquiring foreign aid funds.
RARR S.A. has a large human resources potential. It employs over 180 people, including lawyers, economists, sociologists, financiers, engineers and design specialists. They all have the necessary experience and knowledge needed to provide the services offered. RRDA is responsible for the development of cooperation at the regional, national and international level, including development and implementation of the project, as well as actively participating in creating policy in many fields in Podkarpacie.
RRDA activity  aims to:
– supporting and coordinating activities in the field of regional development leading to further economic development,
– supporting the creation of start-ups (financial, management, consulting) – supporting young entrepreneurs in setting up new companies (as above),
– conducting advisory activities in the field of seeking advice / guidance in order to successfully enter the labor market,
– transfer of innovation and technology as well as conducting R&D works,
– promoting business efficiency, competitiveness and social inclusion in order to strengthen and support sustainable development in the region,
– conducting trainings, among others VET.
Rzeszów Regional Development Agency is a member of the Enterprise Europe Network, which is currently the largest European network of institutions supporting the technological development of enterprises. The network supports companies in identifying potential business partners and
developing foreign contacts for SMEs. It provides assistance to SMEs in the development of new products, reaching new markets and providing information within the European Union. It enables professional consultancy for enterprises in the field of intellectual property law, standards and legislation. Services for SMEs within the network are provided free of charge.
To get more info on the project, just contact the project Team:
Project Main Coordinator: Marek DuDa (mduda@rarr.rzeszow.pl)
Financial Coordinator: Beata Hulinka (bhulinka@rarr.rzeszow.pl)
Communication Manager: Agnieszka Nędza (anedza@rarr.rzeszow.pl)