BSI_4Women Kickoff event
28 April 2023
BSI_4 Women Kick-off event in Aarhus, Denmark
What are the main features of our kick-off conference?
A kick-off meeting is the first joint meeting of the team members to gather all the key information related to the project. During the kick-off meeting, fundamental issues such as project assumptions, objectives or background to the project are addressed.
The kick-off meeting of the BSI_4Women project was organised on 24-25 April 2023 in the beautiful town of Aarhus, Denmark.
It was two days of intensive work, during which we addressed the most important issues concerning the implementation and reporting of the activities that were included in our project.
At the very beginning, the Project Leader (Beata Hulinka from the Rzeszów Regional Development Agency), presented the purpose of the idea of our project and its target assumptions, results. Everyone agreed that in the current situation, it is very important to carry out such initiatives, as the migration crisis caused by armed attacks in recent years is somehow paralysing the target countries of refugees. After the introductory part, we had the chance to get to know each other better in short presentations given by the participants of the meeting. Each Partner in the project activities has very important tasks. The partnership has been formed in such a way that the involvement of each of them, gives additional value to the project.
However, this was not the highlight of our kick-off event. After the participants introduced themselves, we had the chance to develop a detailed action plan in the framework of our WP1, of which the Rzeszów Regional Development Agency is the Leader.
On this part, we ended the first day of our work.
During the second day, we had the chance to meet our financial officer, who took us through the process of reporting project expenses. Certainly, no one could have done it better.
After learning about the reporting regulations, the communication strategy was presented, which also has a very important role in the implementation of our project.
After this part, we had the chance to learn about two Danish good practices that aim to help refugees to set up in Denmark. Follow our website and social media for more information about these initiatives.