The Baltic Sea Initiative for the Development of Business Activity of Refugee Women

A Transformative Three-Day Workshop in Molde, Norway

19 May 2024
From May 14 to 16, 2024, the beautiful town of Molde, Norway, hosted a three-day workshop organized by Møre and Romsdal County Council. The event was part of the BSI_4Women project, funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, aimed at helping women refugees start their own businesses. The workshop took place at ProtoMore Kunnskapspark and InnbyggerLaben Innom, bringing together experts and participants from across the Baltic Sea region.
Technical details

Day 1: Setting the Stage

The first day began with a warm welcome at ProtoMore Kunnskapspark. Attendees were introduced to the venue and the workshop’s goals. Representatives from ProtoMore and Møre and Romsdal County Council talked about the importance of the workshop and the BSI_4Women project.

The morning sessions focused on using Design Thinking to help women refugees start businesses. This approach emphasizes understanding the needs of the users and creating solutions tailored to them. Participants engaged in activities to learn about Design Thinking and how it can transform ideas into business plans. Next, the workshop explored personas, which are detailed profiles of typical users. This helped participants understand the diverse backgrounds and needs of women refugees. By working with these personas, attendees learned how to create better support programs.

After lunch, the focus shifted to real-life business cases and the client journey with ProtoMore. Participants looked at the stages of a client’s journey and discussed how to provide the best support at each stage. This session highlighted the importance of a client-centered approach in helping women refugees succeed in business. The day ended with a session where participants shared what they learned and discussed which ideas they could take back to their regions.

Day 2: Sharing Best Practices

The second day was about sharing experiences and best practices. Participants started with presentations on pre-pilot results from Sweden and Norway, providing insights into the initial outcomes of the BSI_4Women project. A highlight of the day was a session on migrant work inclusion. Experts from the University of South-Eastern Norway shared success criteria for supporting migrant entrepreneurs in Norway. This session offered a comprehensive overview of effective strategies and practices.

The importance of mentorship was discussed by Vindel AS. This session focused on the experiences of mentors working with migrant entrepreneurs and their critical role in providing guidance and support. After lunch, the workshop continued with discussions led by Nordveggen and Sunndal Næringsselskap on the challenges and opportunities in working with migrant entrepreneurs. The session explored potential barriers and strategies to overcome them.

The day ended with a collaborative workshop where participants identified and addressed challenges in implementing incubation programs. This hands-on session fostered collaboration and problem-solving. To conclude the day, a social dinner was held at Restaurant Scandic Seilet, allowing participants to network and strengthen relationships.

Day 3: Planning for the Future

The final day was held at InnbyggerLaben Innom and focused on strategic planning and developing a transnational investment fund concept. Facilitators from the Rzeszow Regional Development Agency and Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol Foundation guided participants through creating an investment fund to support startups in the Baltic Sea region.

Participants then discussed strategies for raising capital, including investor matching events and entrepreneur breakfasts. Experts from ProtoMore and shared their insights on successful investment relationships.

The last session was a steering group meeting where project partners discussed progress and planned the next steps for the BSI_4Women project. This session ensured that all partners were aligned and committed to the project’s future success.

The three-day workshop in Molde, Norway, was a great success. It brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, fostering collaboration and shared purpose. Through presentations, interactive sessions, and strategic discussions, participants gained valuable knowledge and built strong connections. The workshop advanced the goals of the BSI_4Women project and contributed to the vision of a green and resilient Baltic Sea region. Participants left with new ideas, actionable insights, and a commitment to supporting women refugees in their entrepreneurial journeys.

Agnieszka Nędza
MRCC Project Coordinator welcomes participants to the BSI_4Women workshop at ProtoMore Kunnskapspark in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
Protomore's employees engage participants during the BSI_4Women workshop at ProtoMore Kunnskapspark in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
A presenter from LP shares a detailed persona profile during the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
A Norwegian partner presents a comprehensive persona profile during the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
A Danish partner presents an in-depth persona profile during the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
An Estonian partner presents a detailed persona profile during the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
A Swedish partner shares an in-depth persona profile during the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
A Latvian partner shares a comprehensive persona profile during the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
Collaborative Discussion at the BSI_4Women Workshop.
Agnieszka Nędza
Participants working together and discussing during a session at the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
Kasia Przado shares her experiences during the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
Kasia Przado delivers a presentation on her entrepreneurial journey at the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
Kasia Przado highlights the importance of combining passion and skills for startups during her presentation at the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway
Agnieszka Nędza
Engaging Presentation at the BSI_4Women Workshop
Agnieszka Nędza
The Swedish partner presents the results of their pre-testing action "Business Start Ukraine" during the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
Swedish Partner presenting actual results of the initiative titled "Business Start Ukraine"
Agnieszka Nędza
Participants engage in discussion and collaboration during a session at the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
Practical Approaches at the BSI_4Women Workshop
Agnieszka Nędza
Norwegian partner engages in an interactive discussion during the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
Participants engage in group discussion during a session at the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
Participants actively engage in discussion during a collaborative session at the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
Participants engage in an interactive discussion during the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
Participants attentively listen and take notes during the BSI_4Women workshop in Molde, Norway.
Agnieszka Nędza
Attendees of the BSI_4Women workshop pose for a group photo, celebrating a successful event in Molde, Norway.