Baltic Approaches to Handling Plastic Pollution under a Circular Economy Context

Collaborative Initiatives of City of Helsinki

09 November 2023
The city of Helsinki was a partner in the Save Our Sea campaign, organized by the 2023 European Green Capital Tallinn. The campaign was launched on Baltic Sea Day, August 31, and concluded with the World Cleanup Day event on Saturday, September 16.
Technical details

World Cleanup Day is a global event that involves millions of people annually in cleaning up the environment. The City of Helsinki provided litter pickers, trash bags, and a light snack on five locations scattered across the city. Organizing the event was a joint effort of BALTIPLAST project, Baltic Sea Challenge, Litter Control Action Plan, Urban Environment Division and Park Pals, a volunteer citizen group cleaning the parks in their own neighborhood. This local action was a successful initiative with approximately 150 interested volunteers visiting the different sites.