Baltic Approaches to Handling Plastic Pollution under a Circular Economy Context

Initiatives for a Sustainable Future: Valmiera City Festival’s Cup Deposit System

18 July 2024
The Valmiera City Festival is not just a highlight of the summer for residents and visitors alike but also a strategic initiative by the Valmiera Municipality Government to promote sustainable event practices. As the festival prepares to celebrate the 741st anniversary of Valmiera and the 120th birthday of notable local figure Janis Dalins, it is also pioneering efforts to reduce its environmental footprint.
Technical details

In 2022, the festival collected 58.4 m³ of waste, which increased to 68.4 m³ in 2023. A significant portion of this waste originated from the catering areas, primarily disposable cups. To address this, Valmiera Municipality Government is introducing a cup deposit system for the festival this year, aiming to significantly reduce waste and promote sustainable practices.

The cup deposit system is more than just a practical measure, it represents a strategic commitment to sustainability. Here’s how it works:

  1. Purchase and Deposit: Attendees purchase their beverages with an additional €2 deposit for the cup.
  2. Reuse and Exchange: The cup can be used throughout the event or exchanged for a clean one as needed.
  3. Return and Refund: Upon leaving, attendees return the cup at designated points to reclaim their deposit, either in cash or via the dPays system.

This system is designed to encourage festival-goers to reuse cups, thus minimizing waste. By implementing this, Valmiera is showcasing a model that balances enjoyment and environmental responsibility.

Evaluating Environmental Impact

Post-festival, the environmental impact will be assessed under the Interreg Baltic Sea Programme project “BALTIPLAST”. This evaluation will measure the success of the deposit system and provide insights into further reducing environmental impact. This strategic assessment is crucial for developing long-term sustainable practices not only for the festival but for the city’s broader environmental goals.

Broader Sustainability Measures

In addition to the cup deposit system, several other initiatives are being implemented:

  • Water Refill Stations: Free water refill stations will be available, reducing the need for single-use plastic bottles.
  • Free Public Transport: On 27 July, public transport will be free, encouraging attendees to leave their cars at home, thereby reducing carbon emissions.
  • An Exhibition on Plastics will be set up in the park. The aim of the exhibition is to inform visitors about plastics, their impact on the environment and health, and to give them advice on how to reduce their consumption of plastic products in their daily lives.
  • Live Statistics Survey. We will have a survey to find out visitors’ habits on litter and plastics, as well as their thoughts on the municipality’s efforts to organise environmentally friendly events.

Strategic Impact and Future Prospects

The introduction of these initiatives aligns with Valmiera’s strategic vision of sustainability. By reducing waste and promoting eco-friendly practices, the festival not only enhances the visitor experience but also reinforces the city’s commitment to environmental stewardship.

As Valmiera celebrates its rich history and cultural heritage, it is also paving the way for a sustainable future. The strategic implementation of the cup deposit system and other environmental initiatives highlights a forward-thinking approach that benefits both the community and the environment. For more information on the festival and its sustainability efforts, visit Let’s celebrate responsibly and ensure a greener tomorrow for Valmiera.


Elizabete Ločmele,

Valmiera Municipality Government