Baltic Approaches to Handling Plastic Pollution under a Circular Economy Context

Conference on Plastics at the Swedish Environmental Agency

07 February 2024
Plastic plays a crucial role in our daily routines, serving various functions to address societal needs and challenges. However, often consumer behaviour is not sustainable.
Technical details

This situation can be observed in Sweden as well, one of the partner countries in our project. To minimize the negative effects of plastic consumption, informed decision-making is required. This involves an understanding of various factors such as consumption patterns, the volume of plastic waste produced, waste management processes, and the identification of primary sources and pathways for plastic pollution in the environment.

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for national plastic coordination which means being a driver for sustainable plastic use together with others. This includes gathering and sharing knowledge like in this conference entitled “Plastbubbel”, that was organized for the third year in a row.

Our partner, Hillevi Persson, Project Manager at the Swedish Consumers´ Association, was invited to present Baltiplast and the upcoming pilot testing of the program for reducing plastic packaging and single-use plastics in households, at this event on plastics at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. After the presentation, she participated in a panel discussion about sustainable (plastic) consumption.

The discussions and presentations of the conference are available online.

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