Baltic Approaches to Handling Plastic Pollution under a Circular Economy Context

BALTIPLAST Project- Behind the Scenes

17 April 2023
The BALTIPLAST Consortium, a group of 18 Project Partner Organizations, convened for their first online Core Group Meeting on 2nd March to discuss the next steps within the project. The meeting was moderated and organized by the HAW Hamburg, the lead partner, and was focused on establishing tools for effective communication, information sharing, and data management among the partners. A short demonstration was provided by the lead partner to explain the scope of each tool.
Technical details

The key actors in each group of activity, including the benchmarking of best practices, implementing strategic and, soft solutions, developing technical and technological solutions, and implementing measures at the household level, were identified. The partners initiated the mapping process to visualize the parties involved in each group of activity, thus aiding in the monitoring process. At the end of the meeting, the organizers announced the date and location of the next in-person meeting at the end of the session, which will be held in Vasteras, Sweden on May 10th and 11th.
The BALTIPLAST project is making significant strides having core team meetings on a monthly basis. The fight against single-use plastics in the Baltic Sea region intensifies as the project is moving forward. The second core team meeting was held on April 6th. The group of activity leaders have been working intensively and are making significant progress in their respective fields. Reporting on the progress of the project stood at the center of the event. During the meeting, the TalTech Team announced an important milestone in the development of a questionnaire for benchmarking best practices of plastic waste management. Responsible parties for data collection were identified in each of the 6 project countries, and the final details of the questionnaire were aligned to ensure all relevant information will be collected.
The 2nd core group meeting ended with the announcement of an online event organized by the lead partner to reach out to businesses. The event is scheduled to take place at the end of April. Many companies in the region working in the field of solutions for the problems posed by plastic waste were already identified and invited to join the online event. Furthermore, the consortium was asked to nominalize companies with innovative approaches regarding plastic waste management. The event marks an important step in the BALTIPLAST project’s mission and will expand the project’s network beyond the boundaries of the consortium.