BalMarGrav: 7th on-line meeting
16 June 2023
The 7th on-line meeting of the BalMarGrav project was held on April 27, 2023 and gathered 18 participants from Project Partners and Associated Organizations. During the meeting a progress on preparing the Progress Report 1 has been presented by the Lead Partner. Also visibility requirements have been discussed, i.e. a draft of a poster advertising the BalMarGrav project and its funding from the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. Monika Wilde-Piórko (IGiK, Poland) has informed that a template of a report on availability and re-processing procedure of the historical marine gravity data was posted on the Microsoft Teams platform and the Project Partners are asked to start completing it. On April 17, 2023 an agreement between representatives of Lantmäteriet (Sweden) and Latvian Geospatial information agency (Latvia) has been signed to regulates the loan of a marine gravimeter, owned by Lantmäteriet, to Latvian Geospatial information agency (LGIA). The gravimetric measurements on the waters of Denmark, Lithuania and Poland are planned from 5th to 18th of June 2023.  Currently, Krzysztof Pyrchla (GUT, Poland) is visiting the NAWIGATOR XXI vessel in Szczecin to validate it readiness for marine gravimetric campaign. Still the permission for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is missing, but Gabriel Strykowski (DTU, Denmark) is monitoring this issue. Also, representatives of GUT (Poland) has recently visited the DTU Space (Denmark) in order to discuss the sharing of the GNSS data and details on harbour ties.