Homogenized marine gravity maps of southern and eastern Baltic Sea for modern 3D applications in marine geodesy, geology and navigation

BalMarGrav: 6th on-line meeting

14 June 2023
March 30, 2023
Technical details

The 6th on-line meeting of the BalMarGrav project was held on March 30, 2023 and gathered 21 participants from Project Partners and Associated Organizations. During the meeting a detailed schedule on preparing the Progress Report 1 has been presented by the Lead Partner. Also ownership of the historical marine gravity data, as well as area limits and a grid spacing of the re-processed verified historical data were briefly addressed. It was agreed that due to the complexity of the problem, a separate meeting will be organized and dedicated only to this issue.  Arkadiusz Tomczak (MUS, Poland) has informed that the NAWIGATOR XXI vessel is ready for measurement and now an application to the Danish authorities is being prepared. Additionally, an ownership of gravimetric data (raw and processed) measured in Latvian waters during the project has been discussed. Latvian Geopatial information agency, as the Associated Organizations directly involved in the gravimetric measurements, would like to be the co-owner of these data.