BalMarGrav: 4th on-line meeting
06 June 2023
The 4th on-line meeting of the BalMarGrav project was held on January 26, 2023 and gathered 22 participants from Project Partners and Associated Organizations. During the meeting the final version of the Partnership Agreement has been discussed. Next, he further information about available data of the historical marine gravimetric surveys in the IGiK resources has been given by Małgorzata Szelachowska (IGiK, Poland). Comparison of historical data with modern gravimetric data showed some discrepancies for Zaria 1971-1972 and Turlejski 1972 campaigns. The analogous comparison for the PGI-NRI historical data showed no significant inconsistencies. Krzysztof Pyrchla (GUT, Poland) has prepared a proposal for new routes for a gravimetric campaign of the NAWIGATOR XXI vessel (MUS, Poland). The new proposition has been discussed earlier during the meeting of GUT, PGI-NRI and IGiK representatives on January 18, 2023 based on analyses of the historical gravity data from the resources of PGI-NRI and IGiK and previous gravimetric campaigns of GUT.