BalMarGrav: 17th on-line meeting
29 April 2024
The 17th on-line meeting of the BalMarGrav project was held on March 28, 2024 and gathered 18 participants from the Project Partners. At the beginning of the meeting Monika Wilde-PiĆ³rko (IGiK, Poland) has briefly discussed the scopes and deadlines associated with the preparation of the Progress Report 3. Next, there was an engaging discussion on how to harmonise historical data and how to use modern data to validate it. Criteria for the selection of historical data were identified. It was also agreed that historical data will be compared with modern altimetric data. Further discussion took place on possible sources of funding for gravimetric measurements in the Baltic Sea area – it was agreed that due to the current lack of possibilities of receiving co-financing from Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme, ESA announcements would be reviewed.