BalMarGrav: 13th on-line meeting
09 November 2023
The 13th on-line meeting of the BalMarGrav project was held on October 26, 2023 and gathered 16 participants from the Project Partners organisations. During the meeting MaĆgorzata Szelachowska (IGiK, Poland) has provided informations on a summary of Progress report 2, as well as on a status of signature of the Licence for use of the historical marine gravity data and the Agreement between the Project Partners and Latvian Geospatial Information Agency (LGIA) on the regulation of the rights to gravimetric data collected during the BalMarGrav project. On October 9-13, 2023 there were done by Tomasz Olszak (PGI-NRI) and RafaĆ MichaĆowski (IGiK) additional relative gravity measurements at the six Polish harbours for calibration of historical marine gravity measurements. The results of marine gravity surveys along the cost of Poland, Denmark, Lithuania and Latvia are discussed during the meeting. Gabriel Strykowski (DTU) has provided information about the submitting data to the NKG DB.