Homogenized marine gravity maps of southern and eastern Baltic Sea for modern 3D applications in marine geodesy, geology and navigation

BalMarGrav: 10th on-line meeting

04 September 2023
July 27, 2023
Technical details

The 9th on-line meeting of the BalMarGrav project was held on June 27, 2023 and gathered 14 participants from Project Partners and Associated Organizations. During the meeting Monika Wilde-PiĆ³rko (IGiK, Poland) has informed about the future requirements for the Progress Report 2. Formal issues concerning the release of gravimetric data from the DTU SPACE database to the project were discussed. Arkadiusz Tomczak (MUS, Poland) has informed that a gravimetric campaign on the waters of Poland, Denmark and Lithuania, in June 5-16, 2023, was carried out as planned. Also a gravimeric campaign on the waters of Latvia has been ended with success in June 15, 2023 – Jānis Kaminskis (RTU, Lativa) has given a short presentation about measurements. Monika Wilde-PiĆ³rko (IGiK, Poland) has presented a plan of absolute gravity measurements, which will be done at Polish, Lithuanian and Latvian harbours by Przemysław Dykowski (IGiK, Poland) in August and September 2023.