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Bike across the Baltic - Improving bicycle tourism around the Baltic Sea

EuroVelo 10 development promoted at the national Swedish Cycling Summit

22 November 2024
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Martin Vingren, Koucky & Partners, held a presentation about the development of national routes and EuroVelo 10 in Sweden in the The National Swedish Cycling Summit 11-12 September, hosted by the Swedish Transport Administration. Experienced route developer and a EuroVelo route inspector since 20215, Martin Vingren from Koucky & Partners, had a presentation with the topic “The long-distance trail EuroVelo 10 between Haparanda and Ystad that runs along the Swedish coast around the entire Baltic”. Martin is often involved in route development in Sweden and develops the EuroVelo routes together with the Swedish Cycling federation. He has also been a route inspector since 2015. The presentation was a collaboration between Koucky & Partners and the Swedish Cycling Federation with the purpose of knowledge transfer about the EuroVelo network among regions who are interested in the development of national routes, as well as EuroVelo 10. The Swedish Cycling Summit is a two-day event held every year in different locations. The target groups are mainly regions, municipal officials and politicians.