Interreg Baltic Sea Region
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Joint Interreg messages for a joint action!
Are you a dedicated supporter of cooperation beyond borders in the overall Baltic Sea region? Are you convinced that countries around the Baltic Sea...
Third call projects: key facts
Interreg Baltic Sea Region funds cooperation to contribute to a more innovative, better accessible and accessible region. 31 projects presenting new...
31 projects selected to further stimulate the development in the Baltic Sea region
As many as 31 new projects will receive funding within the framework of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020. The Monitoring Committee...
Needs towards Interreg after2020 mapped out
Interreg Baltic Sea Region launched the debate with its stakeholders about funding after 2020. More than 100 participants of the 9th Annual Forum of...
Project platforms approved for the first time in Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Six project platforms were selected by the Monitoring Committee of Interreg Baltic Sea Region at its 9th meeting yesterday in Tallinn. The platforms...
Volunteering chronicles: discovering Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Young Europeans wanting to make a difference and to promote solidarity among people have been volunteering in Interreg projects and Programmes since...
Russian partners needed to achieve change in the Baltic Sea region
St. Petersburg hosted the second seminar for Russian partners and their lead partners from the second call projects. Altogether, more than 20...
Russian partners determined to catch up with implementation
Since the signature of the Financing Agreement in January 2018, Russian partners seized real opportunities for full participation in Interreg Baltic...
Explore Interreg Baltic Sea Region online in the project library
Do you want to know what a certain Interreg Baltic Sea Region project is all about? Are you looking for a speaker for your conference on blue...
114 applications submitted to further boost cooperation in the region
Interreg Baltic Sea Region closed its third call for applications after having received 114 full-fledged project applications. The applications...
Communicate your project, communicate your European experience
“Communication matters, so you matter” – with these words Susanne Scherrer, Director of Interreg Baltic Sea Region Managing Authority/Joint...
Mid-term evaluation kicks off: procurement outcome and what to expect
All Interreg programmes are assessed at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the programme period to see if programme funds are spent...