Interreg Baltic Sea region 2021 – 2027
Priority 2:
Water-smart societies
Programme objective 2.1
Sustainable waters
The Programme supports actions that improve the state of water in the region and make its management more sustainable. These waters include the Baltic Sea, coastal waters and inland waters like rivers, lakes and groundwater.
Programme Objective 2.2
Blue economy
The Programme supports actions on sustainable use of fresh and sea waters as well as marine resources in innovative business development in the whole region in emerging and established sectors. These include aquaculture, blue biotechnology, shipping, fishery, and coastal and maritime tourism.
CommitClimate Workshop In Jokkmokk: Exploring Local Climate Solutions
How can small changes in our daily lives contribute to a more sustainable future? This was the key question during our recent CommitClimate workshop, where...
CommitClimate Workshop In Jokkmokk – Exploring Local Climate Solutions
How can small changes in our daily lives contribute to a more sustainable future? This was the key question during our recent CommitClimate workshop, where...
CommitClimate Workshop In Jokkmokk: Exploring Local Climate Solutions
How can small changes in our daily lives contribute to a more sustainable future? This was the key question during our recent CommitClimate workshop, where...
CommitClimate Workshop In Jokkmokk: Exploring Local Climate Solutions
How can small changes in our daily lives contribute to a more sustainable future? This was the key question during our recent CommitClimate workshop, where...
Operations of Strategic Importance selected!
Selection of eight Operations of Strategic Importance and a decision about a new call for small projects have been two of many highlights of the Monitoring Committee meeting held in Helsinki, Finland, on 4-5 March 2025!
Saving energy in buildings with Interreg
Wondering how public buildings can save money and energy only with simple measures? Dive with us into the interview of Jaroslaw Szlachetka from Otulina Podkrakowska Association to learn how the project Easy Energy helps municipalities and SMEs do exactly that.
How Interreg brings social innovation to people
Dive with us into the story of SEMPRE and SEMPRE Accelerators, successful examples of Interreg transnational cooperation, the results of which remain visible today.
Four priorities & nine objectives
Four priorities for cooperation
Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2021-2027 creates opportunities for organisations to connect
as if there were no borders. With experience and EU funding, we help them cooperate and put their ideas into practice.
Jointly, we make the life of people around the Baltic Sea better.
The Programme is structured along with four priorities. They guide partners in achieving the most when cooperating across borders.