Sustainable Synergy: Businesses & Events Joining Forces Against Plastics

Physical Meeting
  • Date & Time
    28. November 2024
    08:30 - 14:00 (EET)
  • Organiser
    City of Helsinki, Coalition Clean Baltic, KuBuS e.V. and Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
  • Venue
    • Urban Environment Building, Työpajankatu 8
    • 00580 Helsinki
    • Finland
  • Contact


As part of our BALTIPLAST project, we are committed to promoting green events organized without single-use plastics and, we recognize the important role that both SMEs and large enterprises play in reducing plastic consumption.

In collaboration with The City of Helsinki, Coalition Clean Baltic, KuBuS e.V., and the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, we are pleased to invite you to this special workshop designed to help businesses and event organizers reduce their plastic footprint. The event will present innovative initiatives and practical solutions developed through our project to reduce plastic use.

The workshop will feature an interactive session, allowing you to get hands-on experience with these approaches, and offers the opportunity to engage with the project for future initiatives.

Don't miss this chance to join Helsinki’s journey toward a more sustainable, plastic-free future!

Important: Participation in the event is possible only with valid registration using the provided link! Registration is possible until the 17th of November, 2024. By registering for this workshop, you are confirming your commitment to participate.  Please notify us as soon as possible, and at least 48 hours in advance, if you are unable to attend. There is a limited number of places available for his event.


    08:30 - 09:00 (EET)
    Registration & Coffee
    09:00 - 09:10 (EET)
    Welcome and Opening the Workshop
    09:10 - 09:15 (EET)
    Introduction to BALTIPLAST Project, Estefania Carpio, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
    09:15 - 09:25 (EET)
    Policy and governance to reduce plastic pollution in the Baltic Sea Region, Mikhail Durkin, Coalition Clean Baltic
    09:25 - 09:35 (EET)
    The role of awareness raising in plastic reduction, Federica Pastore, Coalition Clean Baltic
    09:35 - 09:50 (EET)
    Green Events as concept for a significant reduction of single-use plastic from food & beverage, Heidrun Fammler, Baltic Environmental Forum Germany
    09:50 - 10:05 (EET)
    Sustainable events in Tallinn, Liina Kanarbik,Tallinn Strategic Management Office
    10:05 - 10:20 (EET)
    Step by step on how to reduce waste in festivals. Valmiera case, Liga Biezina, Valmiera Municipality
    10:20 - 10:35 (EET)
    Less Plastic, Smarter Business: Your Pathway to a Plastic-Lite Future, Johanna Gäbken, KuBus e.V.
    10:35 - 10:50 (EET)
    From Inventory to Action: Tackling Single-Use Plastics in Lithuania, Denisa Martinkute, ECAT (presented by Andre Dobri, HAW)
    10:50 - 11:00 (EET)
    Small actions count: environmental impact and carbon dioxide footprint reduction from soft measures any city, business and inhabitant can do, Viktoria Voronova, TalTech
    11:00 - 12:00 (EET)
    12:00 - 13:30 (EET)
    Escape Game: Escape the Plastic Crisis!
    13:30 - 13:40 (EET)
    Questions & Answers
    13:40 - 13:45 (EET)
    Closing the Workshop
    13:45 - 14:00 (EET)
    Networking & Coffee


Upcoming events

Reducing Plastic, Enhancing Sustainability: Smart Solutions for Every Business
Virtual Meeting & Physical Meeting
02. April 2025
14:30 - 18:00 (CET)
Easter Egg Hunt
Physical Meeting
14. - 17. April 2025
00:00 - 23:59 (CET)
Symposium on Innovation in the Circularity of Plastic Materials
Physical Meeting
20. May 2025

    Past events

    Sustainable Christmas Days
    Project: BALTIPLAST
    Physical Meeting
    09. - 13. December 2024
    Celebrating our Commitment - A Year of Reducing Plastic
    Project: BALTIPLAST
    Physical Meeting
    10. December 2024
    17:00 - 21:00 (BST)
    4th General Assembly Meeting
    Project: BALTIPLAST
    Physical Meeting
    26. - 27. November 2024