Project partner meeting

Project: CEforestry
Physical Meeting
Project partner meeting on research collaboration on forestry side-streams non-timber products


The meeting included getting acquainted with the infrastructure and R&D possibilities of Natural Resources Institute Finland, in addition to the research topics and directions in connection with forestry side-streams and non-timber forest products. Project partners have also discussed the ongoing activities and main outputs of the CEforestry and how the project results might contribute to circularity implementation within forestry sector. During the meeting project partners have also discussed the involvement and activation of target groups. Target groups are generally interested in various aspects and outcomes of CEforestry – companies within the biorefinery sector have indicated the need for understanding of extraction parameters and methodologies of different groups of substances present in logging residues. SME’s have also expressed their interest in extraction methods that can provide cleaner, more defined and characterised extract fractions which can be standardised and used in various activity guided nutraceutical and cosmeceutical applications – these goals can be achieved through implementation of environmentally conscious biorefinery approaches.


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    Past events

    FORTHEM allinace conference
    Project: CEforestry
    Virtual Meeting
    29. - 31. January 2025
    09:00 - 16:00 (BST)
    Project meeting 4 in Kracow
    Project: CEforestry
    Virtual Meeting & Physical Meeting
    25. - 26. November 2024
    08:30 - 13:30 (BST)
    European Researchers Night 2024
    Project: CEforestry
    Physical Meeting
    27. September 2024
    16:00 - 20:00 (BST)