Kulturtræf 2024
Date & Time29. May 2024
08:30 - 17:00 (CET) -
OrganiserRegion Syddanmark, Kulturregion Sønderjylland-Schleswig, Kulturregion Trekantområdet, Kultursamarbejdet ved Vadehavet and Kulturregion Fyn.
- Kulturmaskinen, Farvergården 7
- 5000 Odense
- Denmark
Kulturtræf 2024 is an event held in Odense in Denmark 29 May 2024. The purpose of Kulturtræf 2024 is to develop new and more culture and health initiatives in the Region of Southern Denmark and across the Danish-German border by bringing together actors with an interest in and knowledge of the field of culture and well-being.
Our project partners from Bremen and Odense will be present at Kulturtræf 2024 to jointly present the Interreg BSR project "Arts on Prescription (AoP) in the Baltic Sea Region" and describe how they each work with AoP programmes quite differently in their countries/regions.
Odense and Bremen will also facilitate a conversation about:
- Which advantages and disadvantages appears when different municipalities and regions are developing international cultural and health programmes together?
- How is it possible to develop an Arts on Prescription programme for different countries/areas in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) that can be adapted to local and regional needs at the same time?
There will also be discussions with participants on how we can use lessons learned from Arts on Prescription in the Baltic Sea Region to broadly support practitioners, municipalities and regions in the Baltic Sea region in developing and financing community-based cultural and health initiatives.
The presentation will be held in Danish and German with assistance of an interpreter.
- TimeItem
- https://kulturtraef.dk/program/
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