Conference in Latvia: Innovations in biomass processing for the development of bioeconomy

Date & Time12. March 2024
08:30 - 16:00 (BST) -
OrganiserUniversity of Latvia
- Virtual event
CEforestry organised a conference section “Innovations in biomass processing for the development of bioeconomy”
As a part of 82nd International Scientific Conference of University of Latvia the CEforestry project team organised a conference section “Innovations in biomass processing for the development of bioeconomy”. Conference section took place on 12th of March, 2024. The aim of the conference was to invite local researchers, students and enterpreneurs working in the field of bioeconomy and biorefinery to share the current innovations in biomass processing and to share the current status and results provided by the CEforestry Interreg project. Conference topics included the extraction of biomass, biorefinery, non-timber and forestry side-stream utilisation, invasive plant species biomass utilisation, biorefinery of biomass into added-value products, the utilisation of extracted biomass and the application potential of bioeconomy based solutions.
Conference was held at the University of Latvia, Jelgavas street 1, Riga. In total 25 participants attended the on-site event. The event was divided in two sub-sections where the participants from Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, Pharmeko Lettland Ltd., Silv EXPO LLC and The Natural Resource Research Centre of the University of Latvia presented their most current innovations in biomass processing.
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