Info webinar for applicants (in German)

Date & Time20. February 2024
13:30 - 16:00 (CET) -
OrganiserMinistry for Agriculture, Rural Areas, European Affairs & Consumer Protection of Schleswig Holstein
- Virtual event
- Johanna Kamin, National Contact Point Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Do you want to actively shape the Baltic Sea region and solve the challenges of our time with international project partners? Do you have a project idea in the areas of innovative societies or climate-neutral societies?
As part of the webinar for German lead partners and project partners (and especially those who want to become one), the organiser will explain the application process and the thematic focus of the current call for proposals together with project and finance officers of the programme secretariat. You will receive tips for a successful project application and have time to ask your questions. The webinar will be held in German.
More information in German available here: - Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, ländliche Räume, Europa und Verbraucherschutz - INTERREGEuropäische territoriale Zusammenarbeit Ostseeprogramm: Info-Webinar für Bewerberinnen und Bewerber (auf Deutsch)
Registration via email to
Deadline for registration is 15 Feb 2024.
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